
November 28, 2017
Benefits of Farm to School

The Benefits of Farm to School

This fact sheet offers a research-based overview of the benefits of farm to school and provides a list of sources.  Stated benefits are provided under 5 themes:  (1) Economic Development (Job Creation and Economic Activity; Farmer and Producer Income), (2) Public Health (Student Nutrition Behaviors; Knowledge, Attitudes and Access), (3) Education (Student Engagement and Academic...
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Celebrating the impact of Nourishing School Communities

Nourishing School Communities

Nourishing School Communities brought together partners from across Canada with the vision to get more healthy and local foods into the minds and onto the plates of school children. The objective of this evidence-based initiative was to implement, scale up and evaluate best practices by guiding school communities to create healthy school food environments. With...
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Economic Impacts of Farm to School: Case Studies and Assessment Tools

Economic Impacts of Farm to School: Case Studies and Assessment Tools

National Farm to School Network & Colorado State University | September 29, 2017 Farm to school offers cross-sectoral benefits for children, farmers and communities, however, limited data is available to truly understand the economic impacts of farm to school procurement. Using a survey and case study approach, this report (a collaborative project of the National Farm to...
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