
July 31, 2018

Available Positions: Animator Position

A Part-Time New Brunswick Farm School Animator Position Farm to Cafeteria Canada (F2CC) seeks a part-time dynamic, organized, School Animator tasked with building capacity and advancing Farm to School (F2S) activity in New Brunswick. This includes a focus on supporting up to 8 New Brunswick schools and assisting to establish, evaluate and sustain their F2S...
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Foodshare 2017: A year in review

Foodshare 2017: A Year in Review

In 2017, we settled in to our new home. We mulled over a lot of ideas. We made some tough choices. And we continued working to advance “Good Food for All” in neighbourhoods across Toronto. We invite you to see our 2017 impacts in this report. Thank you to everyone who supported us in 2017!...
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What is Healthy Food in Healthcare?

What is Healthy Food in Healthcare?

The question of what qualifies as “healthy” food is highly contested in healthcare and beyond. In June, we brought together the varying perspectives of dieticians and chefs for a rich discussion with Nourish innovators around how hospitals can lead the charge in expanding the definition of how food is produced, prepared and consumed for patient,...
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Community garden at The Gathering Place provides, food, structure and meaningful work for guests at St. John’s facility

Community Garden at The Gathering Place

Providing food, structure and meaningful work for guests at St. John’s facility. Photo: Tell me Charles, how does your garden grow? By the looks of it, quite well. Charles Noseworthy, celebrating his 36th birthday on Monday, was on hand to celebrate the second year of The Gathering Place garden, which this year will see its wares...
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