With the immediacy of a pandemic it can be easy to shift our attention away from the on-going climate crisis, but now more than where we need to do what we can to reduce single-use items.
The pandemic has made this challenging in many ways, including in our food system. From temporarily banning BYOB (bring your own bags) at grocery stores for public health safety reasons to the increase of take-out and delivery containers necessary to help to keep many restaurants afloat while closed for dine-in service. Increased plastic and other single-use packaging items have detrimental effects on our environment.
At Farm to Cafeteria Canada, our vision is for vibrant, sustainable food systems that support the health of people, place, and planet. That means, wherever possible reducing single-use items and packaging waste when cooking and sharing food so that our lands and waters that feed us stay healthy and happy.
Plastic Free July is an initiative of the Plastic Free Foundation and is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July?
Check out their website for more information, resources, and to take the Plastic Free July challenge!
Download the Plastic Free Action picker!