A recording is now available of the Indigenous School Food Circle‘s recent webinar on how school food programs are serving traditional Indigenous foods:
The webinar features the following speakers:
- Clifford Gladue, Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Education Authority
- Scott Hall and Bruce Cutknife, Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission
- Candace Weir, Shelly Crack and Elizabeth Moore, Haida Foods Committee
Speakers shared how they’ve brought traditional foods into schools, how they’ve been able to incorporate traditional game and seafood, and tips for other school communities bringing traditional foods into their school food programs.
The event took the format of a 1.5 hour facilitated conversation among the panelists followed by a Q&A discussion.
The Indigenous School Food Circle is an initiative co-hosted by the Coalition for Healthy School Food, Canadian Feed the Children and Farm to Cafeteria Canada that has been established to inform advocacy for funding for school food programs in Indigenous communities and for Indigenous students, and to support replication, networking and sharing of best practices among those who are coordinating and supporting school food programs in Indigenous communities and for Indigenous students.