Unanimous Support Secures the Future of “Farm to School” in Oregon

Unanimous Support Secures the Future of "Farm to School" in Oregon

Unanimous support from the Oregon House, Senate and governor has passed a bill that supports local food in schools.

House Bill 2038 allocates $4.5 million for schools to continue to buy Oregon-grown and processed foods and to support agriculture- and garden-based education. With 144 school districts participating in the program, here are some ways this bill will affect Oregon and the kids who go to school here.

Kids learn to appreciate where their food comes from

How many children growing up in cities and suburbs really know how food gets from the farm to their table? This program supports education that helps kids realize food doesn’t just grow on grocery store shelves, and teaches them that what they eat has a big impact on their bodies.

“Research shows that integrated farm to school and school garden programs are critical to not only change what kids think, know and feel about food, but also what they eat,” said Michelle Ratcliffe, Ph.D, the former Farm to School program manager.

When kids realize what eating local, farm fresh foods means, they learn to develop a preference for fresh, healthy food during their formative years. READ MORE

Monday, July 24th 2017

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