Hosted on: March 5th, from 3.15pm – 4.00pm PST. – Delivered only in English, Vancouver BC

In this webinar, Edible Education teacher Brent Mansfield shares stories and lessons learned from efforts at Lord Roberts Elementary School in Vancouver to bring together hands-on food literacy learning, and increase students’ access to healthy, local food.

The webinar features information about:

  • The school’s Food Literacy Committee
  • The recently created Edible Education program that over 520 students participate in weekly as part of other teacher’s prep time, and
  • Efforts to create a new Farm to School lunch program model where students are involved in preparing and serving food.

About Edible Education: As part of the Edible Education program, students are involved in growing, preparing and sharing food, linked to curricular competencies and content from Physical and Health Education and other curriculum areas.

The webinar is of of interest to anyone interested in learning about how to embed food literacy into their program through curriculum and encourage full-school participation in food literacy activities in a school setting.

This webinar was presented as a part of the Farm to School: Canada Digs In! project. Farm to School: Canada Digs In! is a mutli-sectoral chronic disease prevention initiative lead by Farm to Cafeteria Canada in partnership with the Social Planning and Research Council of British Columbia, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Whole Kids Foundation, Meal Exchange, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Food First Newfoundland, New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Équiterre, Sustain Ontario and the Public Health Association of British Columbia.

Many thanks to the Public Health Association of British Columbia and Sustain Ontario for hosting this webinar.

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