Agnes L. Mathers Elementary

Agnes L. Mathers Elementary

Contact Information

  • Address: Beach Road, Sandspit , British Columbia, V0T 1T0

School Board

SD50 Haida Gwaii

School Type

  • Preschool / Early Childhood Education
  • Elementary School

School Location

  • rural community
  • remote community
  • Indigenous community

Number of Students


School Description

Our school harvests local wild foods like salmon, berries & nettle. We also have small plots, greenhouses & raised beds where students learn to grow, harvest & seed save. We also participate in fruit tree gleaning in our community, and grow flowers. We eat all of the foods we harvest and grow, we also study them, write about them,and use them in our art. Each year around the Solstice we have a garden party & perform garden songs.

School Food

Meal Program:

  • Snack program
  • Lunch program


  • Growing food - garden
  • Growing food - greenhouse
  • Growing food - food forest
  • Growing food - indoors
  • Hydroponics (i.e., just plants)
  • Harvesting/gathering - land
  • Harvesting/gathering - water
  • Seed saving
  • Sustainable food production
  • Cooking
  • Preserving
  • Tasting activities
  • Sharing cultural foods
  • Learning from local food producers & providers
  • Purchasing local food
  • Hosting local food fundraisers