Contact Information
- Address: 1 School Lane, Vermilion Bay, Ontario, P0V2V0
School Board
Keewatin - Patricia District School Board
School Type
- Preschool / Early Childhood Education
- Elementary School
- Before or After School Program
- Other (please describe)
School Location
- rural community
Number of Students
School Description
Since last fall we offer a "Hot Lunch" program once per week. A part-time teacher and community volunteer are preparing a "home-cooked" meal, shop and take care of the logistics. The cost is $5.00 per meal, which always includes juice or milk and a dessert. Junior and Intermediate students are involved with serving and clean up.We emphasize "zero" food waste, shop locally and Canadian grown / in season fruits & vegetables. Students receive a "Breakfast" snack daily, which mostly includes fruits and/or vegetables. Our school participates with the "NOW Program - (Nutrition on the Weekend). A bag of food, non-perishable and fresh fruits, is distributed to families in need in the communities every Friday. We are part of Ontario's School Milk Program and about 20-30 students are signed up regularly, to receive a 250ml carton of milk daily and we never deny any student a request for a milk regardless if payment can be make. Since January 2023 we have a school wide "Explore" program, where students explore "hands-on" student lead, interests (Cooking & Baking / Art / Woodworking / LEGO Robotics.... Every spring we grow vegetable seedlings to plant in our small school garden plot and donate to a local Service Club (Lion's) to sell at a "Spring Plant Sale". We also have a small plot with "Bee" friendly perennials. At this time we don't have photos of our programs, but we were planning to take photos in the coming weeks, which can be submitted.
- Facebook Lillian Berg FB
Social Media
School Food
Meal Program:
- Breakfast program
- Snack program
- Lunch program
- We host a food box program
- Growing food - indoors
- Cooking
- Tasting activities
- Sharing cultural foods
- Purchasing local food