Contact Information
- Address: 6310 Wagner Rd NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6E 4N5
School Board
Edmonton Public Schools
School Type
- High School
School Location
- urban community
Number of Students
School Description
W.P. Wagner High School has a CTS program called Natural Science. We use our 5000sqft greenhouse to grow food in multiple ways. We use raised beds, containers, many types of hydroponics, aquaponics, and aeroponics. We also have an over 20 tree orchard with apple trees, plums, pears, cherries, haskaps, etc.
- Instagram
Social Media
- Growing food - garden
- Growing food - greenhouse
- Growing food - indoors
- Hydroponics (i.e., just plants)
- Aquaponics (i.e., plants and fish)
- Harvesting/gathering - land
- Seed saving
- Sustainable food production
- Cooking
- Preserving
- Tasting activities
- Sharing cultural foods
- Learning from local food producers & providers
- Purchasing local food