Our Team

We believe in a by-community, for-community approach and we apply a collaborative governance model to achieve this. We have a Board of Directors responsible for setting and maintaining organizational policy, as well an Advisory Council and Implementation Partners who work together with F2CC staff to advance our mission.


Executive Director
Program Manager
Graphic Design and Communications Lead
Program Coordinator
Coordinator, Indigenous School Food Circle
A photo of Florence Plourde, French Translator
French Translator


Regional Leads are members of Farm to Cafeteria Canada’s national team and are the go-to contact for Farm to Cafeteria Canada in their region. These Individuals typically work for a partner organization based in the geographic region they represent. Together the Regional Leads work as a team to advance local, sustainable food to community initiatives in their regions and across the country by facilitating capacity building, network development, knowledge translation and exchange, evaluation, and/or research.
Marcus Lobb
Regional Lead for BRITISH COLUMBIA
Regional Lead for QUEBEC
Regional Lead for Nova Scotia


Partnerships are the heart of F2CC’s work and they let us facilitate community-based initiatives across the country.

Implementation partners are values-aligned organizations that work in a specific region and/or sector. These partners share F2CC’s vision and mission and their staff collaborate with F2CC staff and inform our projects. Together, the core F2CC staff and Implementation Partner staff form a national team to advance F2CC’s mission.


(click to visit)


(click to visit)

Sponsor of the Farm to School Canada Grants program

(click to visit)

British Columbia project coordination and support to participating schools through their Farm to School BC program 

(click to visit)

Ontario project coordination and support to participating schools through their Edible Education Network

(click to visit)

Québec project coordination and support to participating schools 

(click to visit)

Newfoundland and Labrador project coordination and support to participating schools

(click to visit)

Government of New Brunswick

New Brunswick project coordination and support to participating schools

(click to visit)

Meal Exchange

Campus project coordination and support to participating campuses across Canada

(click to visit)

Heart & Stroke

Project planning and 2019 conference sponsor

(click to visit)

School food map database collaborator & co-host of the Indigenous School Food Circle

(click to visit)

Collaborator and producer on the Connecting Food to the Curriculum video series

(click to visit)

Learning Circle host organization and support to participating schools as a Salad Bar community partner and champion of farm to chool programming

(click to visit)

Alberta project coordination and support to participating schools

(click to visit)

Manitoba project coordination and support to participating schools

(click to visit)

Learning Circle host organization

(click to visit)

Nourish Your Roots

Nova Scotia project coordination and support to participating schools

(click to visit)

Learning Circle host organization & development of the Seed to Harvest Indigenous Food Sovereignty video series

(click to visit)



Advisory Council Chair
Advisory Council
Director Emeritus
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Advisory Council