
Farm to Campus

Stevie Golob, Canada’s very own Jamie O, is retiring!

I would like to take a moment and let you all know of a significant development within our culinary team here at UBC. Late last week Chef Steve Golob informed us of his retirement. While we are sad to see Steve leave UBC and move on to the next chapter of his life we are...
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5 Benefits of School Gardens

5 Benefits of School Gardens

School gardens are a great way to get children to learn about nutrition. FAO encourages and supports countries to promote school gardens with educational goals to help students, school staff and families make the connection between growing food and good diets, develop life skills and increase environmental awareness. FAO recognizes that schools are an ideal...
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Canada’s Food Guide: People, Place and Planet in Mind

ON March 21, the CDN government released a report outlining  proposed guiding principles and recommendations to inform the development of a new Food Guide, based on data gathered through a pan-Canadian public consultation process. As expected there was strong support for tools to help Canadians increase their intake of water, and fruits and vegetables and...
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Growing closer to home

Growing Closer to Home

Photo: From left, Toby Rowe and Tim Walsh shovel compost at the community garden. Courtesy of: Chris Hammond Memorial’s community garden: Sustainability from the ground up Historically, Newfoundland and Labrador’s geographic isolation meant the residents of this province had no choice but to grow and gather their fresh food. Not anymore. Today, the vast majority...
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Time to curb our appetite for ultra-processed food

Heart and Stroke: Time to Curb our Appetite for Ultra-processed Food

Research reveals half our daily calories come from ultra-processed foods, and that kids are the biggest consumers New research commissioned by Heart & Stroke shows that ultra-processed food consumption in Canada continues to increase and is alarmingly high, accounting for almost half of our daily calorie intake. Most troubling is that young people get more than half...
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Ontario's university students want quality, local food, report finds

Ontario’s University Students Want Quality, Local Food

Photo: Salad bar at Massachusetts General Hospital uses a traffic light label system. (David MacIntosh/CBC) ‘Students have some really strong values around food,’ says Merryn Maynard of Meal Exchange Students at Ontario’s universities say they want good quality, local food options when they’re eating on campus, a new report says. The campus food report card...
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Farm to School: Canada Digs In! Video

This inspiring video captures the voices and images of several key champions and success stories in the rapidly growing Farm to School movement across Canada. It highlights how Farm to School is getting healthy, local, sustainable food on the minds and on the plates of students. It was filmed in British Columbia, New Brunswick, and...
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Celebrating the impact of Nourishing School Communities

Nourishing School Communities

Nourishing School Communities brought together partners from across Canada with the vision to get more healthy and local foods into the minds and onto the plates of school children. The objective of this evidence-based initiative was to implement, scale up and evaluate best practices by guiding school communities to create healthy school food environments. With...
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Economic Impacts of Farm to School: Case Studies and Assessment Tools

Economic Impacts of Farm to School: Case Studies and Assessment Tools

National Farm to School Network & Colorado State University | September 29, 2017 Farm to school offers cross-sectoral benefits for children, farmers and communities, however, limited data is available to truly understand the economic impacts of farm to school procurement. Using a survey and case study approach, this report (a collaborative project of the National Farm to...
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The Business Of Getting Affordable, Local Food onto the Plates Of New Brunswickers

The Business Of Getting Affordable, Local Food onto the Plates Of New Brunswickers

Photo: Tomavo on Mountain Road in Moncton tries hard to stock as much local produce as it can. Image: Tomavo Facebook page. MONCTON – Businesses are teaming up with non-profit organizations, government agencies, public institutions, community groups and farmers to get healthy, low-cost, local food onto the plates of New Brunswickers. The ways local businesses are trying...
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