
Indigenous School Story

Kendomang Zhagodenamonon Lodge – Site 1

“I always share, I believe we all learn in different ways, different teachings, and you get them as you go along.” Tanya Moses The Kendomang Zhagodenamonon Lodge- site 1 known as KZ Lodge is a specialized Alternative Secondary School program that is offered to students in Thunder Bay from grade 9 to 12. This program...
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Waskanipaniw: Arriving full circle

Grand Rapids School, Grand Rapids, MB Grant term 2020-2022 At the end of the hallway in Grand Rapids School a sliver of bright light escapes through a gap at the bottom of a closed door. A beacon for curious minds, this particular room stands out from the rest of the closed doors along the hallway....
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Sk’elep School of Excellence: Hands-On Experiential Learning

Sk’elep School of Excellence, Kamloops, BC Grant term 2020-2022 Over the past few years, Sk’elep School of Excellence has partnered with Q’wemtsin Health Society, Farm to Cafeteria Canada, and the Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Indian Band to develop a food sovereignty plan. With this financial support, the first phase, the school gardens, was completed with 10...
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Maskwacis Education Schools Commission (MESC) Nanâtohk Mîciwin (Universal School Food Strategy)

“The problem with selling food to kids is that it creates a disparity, if you don’t have money; you cannot buy food.” Scott Hall Located on Treaty 6 territory, Maskwacis Education Schools Commission (MESC) operates eleven schools, covering 4 nations; Samson Cree Nation, Emineskin Cree Nation, Montana First Nation and Louis Bull Tribe. The schools...
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Cultural programming through the seasons at Nak’al Bun Elementary School

“Soo ‘int’en”                “Soo ‘et”  In Dakelh, Soo ‘int’en means good work and Soo ‘et means right on or excellent! These are just two of the phrases that Cultural Teacher, Sara Sam uses in her language to encourage her students. Sara’s philosophy is to always say positive things to...
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PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ is an incredible nursery and garden program that means “Blossoming Place”, in SENĆOŦEN, the language of the W̱SÁNEĆ people. PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ nursery and garden program grows native plants such as ELILE ( Salmon Berry) and ḰȽO,EL (Camas) for ecosystem restoration and traditional food projects throughout W̱SÁNEĆ territory. PEPÁḴEṈ HÁUTW̱ is located at the...
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Q’wemtsín Health Society’s Indigenous Food Sovereignty Video Series

Seed to Harvest, Language and Traditional Practices In collaboration with three communities; Skeetchestn Indian Band, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc and Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band, the Q’wemtsín Health Society (QHS) has created a series of videos to promote growing and sharing food in their communities.  Working with students, teachers, Elders, and knowledge keepers, each video teaches skills...
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Kee Tas Kee Now Tribal Council Education Authority (KTCEA) serves traditional food in schools

“I am grateful that they [students] have this program and I want other nations to introduce this program into their communities as well.” Clifford Gladue While sitting having a cup of tea and bannock with an Elder in his community, Clifford Gladue learned about an important document, the Alberta First Nations Food Sovereignty declaration. This...
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Roots to Harvest Case Study: Outdoor Food Literacy deemed an “Essential Service” during COVID-19

Roots to Harvest is a non-profit organization that offers employment and experiential education opportunities in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Their mission is to use food as a tool to connect people to one another and build belonging and dignity through meaningful programs, initiatives and advocacy. Roots to Harvest’s many programs illustrate their broad mandate: Youth employment...
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