Caring for Canada’s leaders of TOMORROW by putting healthy, local  &  sustainable food on the minds and plates of our children and youth TODAY

Together with our partners, Farm to Cafeteria Canada is fulfilling a national appetite for farm to school by designing schools, and whole communities, with food in mind.
Teachers Win

because they can access resources to bring their  lesson plans to life.

Students Win

because they can access healthy, locally sourced foods so they can learn and grow.

Farmers win

and other local food providers win by gaining access to new and reliable markets.

Communities win

because schools are at the heart of our communities, providing natural gathering spaces where food can be shared and relationships can be built.

The Planet Wins

because students learn to better value environmentally sustainable food systems and understand the impacts of their own food choices on future generations.

Click to view our interactive case for support

Impacts of farm to school at Sir Guy Carleton Secondary

In the fall of 2018 on a day North America recalled romaine lettuce due to e-Coli, Sir Guy Carleton Secondary, a vocational school in Ottawa’s west end, hosted their inaugural farm to school salad bar, welcoming 120 students to enjoy a healthy salad lunch that was grown, prepared and served by their peers.
Teacher Derek Brez shares the impact of their farm to school grant:

Will you join us at the table? 

To learn how you can partner and support contact

Jesse Veenstra,
National Director,
Farm to Cafeteria Canada