
juin 29, 2018

Edward Milne Community School’s Farm to School Programs are Growing!

Edward Milne Community School, Sooke, BC Grades 9-12 660 Students, including 70 International Students and 118 of Indigenous Ancestry 2017-2018 (Year 2) At Edward Milne Community School, our students are serving up fresh, local veggies from our salad bar four days a week, 30 week of the year – that’s 2,000 salads served! When I...
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When the Farm Meets the School

Sk’aadGaa Naay Elementary School, Skidegate, BC 2017-2018 (Year 2) I would like to acknowledge the unceeded territory of the Haida Nation for which I gather, farm and share local food from, Haawa. Venison sliders, fresh local greens, seasonal berries, and halibut soup with fried bread are just a few of the foods on our menu...
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Gourmet Salads with Local Grown Flavour

Evergreen Independent School, Cobblehill, BC 2017-2018 (Year 2) Evergreen Independent School is located in Cobble Hill, BC, a small semi-rural community in the lush Cowichan Valley on Vancouver Island. Home to 100 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 7, Evergreen has a flourishing food literacy program that has recently been enhanced by the Farm to...
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Local Farms Branching into Local Health Care System in NL: Pilot Project Underway

Des Fermes Locales Enrichissent Le Système De Santé Local À Terre-Neuve-Et-Labrador

Un Projet Pilote Est En Cours Bon nombre des projets de Food First NL reposent en partie sur un objectif commun, celui de faire du choix santé le choix facile pour les résidents de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. Qui plus est, Food First NL veut que le choix local devienne le choix facile. Une des étapes clés pour...
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