
Bar à salades

Mile 108 Elementary School

Mile 108 Elementary School, 108 Mile Ranch, BC 2017-2018 (Year 2) Mile 108 Elementary is a medium-sized elementary school in the Cariboo region of British Columbia. We have about 200 students at our school from grades K-7. We received the F2S grant 2 years ago and we are thrilled with where our school has gone with...
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A culture of local food at Rockheights

A Culture of Local Food at Rockheights

Rockheights Middle School, Victoria, BC 2017-2018 (Year 2) A bit about our school and location… We acknowledge that we are located on the unceded territory of the Songhees and Esquimalt First Nations. Our small school is located in Esquimalt, a small municipality in Victoria, British Columbia. It is situated in a quiet residential neighbourhood and is...
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From Field Trips to Salad Bar Equipped

Colquitz Middle School, Victoria BC 2017-2018 (Year 2) We had been waiting for 5 years to get a school learning garden and the F2CC grant clinched the deal with a ground breaking in June 2017. In those past  5 years we have offered F2S lunches, with 83 lunch served in that span of time! It...
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Nouveau-Brunswick De la ferme à l’école : le guide

Nouveau-Brunswick De la ferme à l’école : le guide

Magnifiquement illustré, ce guide pas à pas offert dans les deux langues officielles a été conçu pour aider les communautés scolaires et le secteur de l’approvisionnement en aliments locaux à faire progresser le mouvement De la ferme à l’école au Nouveau-Brunswick. Même si le guide a été élaboré pour le Nouveau-Brunswick en particulier, il s’inspire...
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Salad Bars and Raw Vegetables: Healthy Eating in Quebec Schools!

Bars à Salades et Crudités au Choix : pour une Alimentation Saine dans les Écoles du Québec!

Publié le 18 sept. 2017 INVITATION À UN WEBINAIRE Dans le cadre d’un projet national avec le réseau De la ferme à la cafétéria Canada, Équiterre invite les enseignants, les gestionnaires de services alimentaires et les intervenants du milieu scolaire à assister à un webinaire gratuit le mercredi 11 octobre prochain de 15h à 16h. L’objectif du...
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You Can Make Friends with Salad

Norkam Senior Secondary School, Kamloops, BC This year at NorKam Senior Secondary in Kamloops, BC, our cafeteria class started a salad bar for a fresh, healthy addition to our regular lunch service. We began this semester by growing our own vegetables, herbs and microgreens in anticipation of improving our cafeteria’s menu selection, and quality and...
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Maggie’s Salad Bar

Princess Margaret Secondary School, Penticton, BC The Farm to School grant offered by Farm to cafeteria Canada and the Whole Kids Foundation was just what we needed to kick start a salad bar program at our high school in Penticton, BC. My name is Tristan Mennell and I have the good fortune of running the...
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We Are Growing More Than Greens in Our Garden…

Victoria High School, Victoria, BC Victoria High School, in the heart of the Fernwood Community, is Victoria’s oldest school. In fact, our school archives have a photograph of Vic High Students in the early 1900’s working on plots of vegetable gardens. It is incredible now, as 4 years ago we started to create or rather...
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“The Salad Bar Was A Huge Hit Today”

Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay , Queen Charolotte, BC “The salad bar was a huge hit today. Local carrots, kale salad with Hollyhock dressing, 3 potato salads -a traditional, a wasabi & a vinaigrette; (our vegan option) Amazing nut & bean veggie burgers, baked Halibut with sea asparagus tartar, and barbequed teriyaki spring salmon. Phew! Student prepared,...
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The Little School that ROARS

Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School, Vancouver, BC The Little School that ROARS – seriously, we do. Sir Charles Tupper Secondary in Vancouver, BC is a ‘small’ high school, grades 8-12, of about 1,000 students. Our mascot is a tiger and our code of conduct is Resobsibility, Ownership, Attitude, Respect and  Safety (R.O.A.R.S. ) which is taught,...
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