
Farm to school programs come about because of the work of a lot of people, especially those who work directly in and with the school to organize the program and team, secure resources, get buy-in, organize students, and navigate challenges. These champions can include educators, the school principal, parent volunteers, a local food provider, or a public health nurse or dietitian. 
We know that these efforts take a lot of work! Here are some ideas to help you move your program forward.
If you’re looking to bring food literacy, local food or other parts of the farm to school approach to your school, here are a few first steps you can take:
Get on the SCHOOL FOOD MAP to add to the momentum that’s building across the country
School Food Map
Sign up for our NEWSLETTER
Sign Up
Learn more about FARM TO SCHOOL
Farm to School
Inspiring Stories
Check out Growing Chefs! Ontario’s TEACHING THE CURRICULUM THROUGH FOOD video series
Video Series
If you run a school food program in an Indigenous community or with Indigenous student participants, explore the stories and resources on our NOURISHING RELATIONS page
Nourishing Relations

Looking to go further?

Visit our Resource Centre for more tools and resources relating to Logistics, Local Procurement, Funding, Evaluation and other themes to build your program

Apply for a School Grant

Use the Farm to School Evaluation Framework to evaluate your impacts