
British Columbia


The Government of BC is providing a one-time contribution to help BC’s agricultural and agri-products sector increase local presence and consumption of BC agrifoods by expanding or launching their own marketing campaigns. Under the Buy Local Program, businesses and organizations can apply for matching funding (i.e., applicants are required to contribute 50% of the total cost...
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BC Foods Days and UNBC’s Food Strategy Group’s Kick-Off Event

The University of Northern British Columbia’s (UNBC) Campus Food Strategy Group (CFSG) is pleased to announce their official Kick-Off Event on October 23, 2012. This event will coincide with BC Foods Days, an annual collaboration between UNBC’s campus food service provider, Eurest Dining Services, and the Northern Undergraduate Students Society (NUGSS). CFSG is excited to...
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Furtive Steps to Better Hospital Dining

Source: The Tyee- October 19, 2012 Local fish, pulled from the cold water off the north coast, is a staple on the menu at the eight-bed hospital in Masset, a town of roughly 1,000 located on the largest island of Haida Gwaii. Patient meals also regularly feature local potatoes and onions from nearby farmers; part of...
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Why Can’t We Know What’s in Grandma’s Hospital Meal?

Source: The Tyee- October 18, 2012 Following on the example of St. Joseph’s hospital in Guelph, a nationally-recognized model of bringing local food into big institutions, we wanted to find out how patients’ meals measure up in Vancouver. Indeed, could we do a plate-by-plate comparison of hospital meals: their ingredients, how far they’d travelled, what our health...
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Can Hospital Food Be Fixed?

Source: The Tyee- October 17th, 2012 Guelph, Ont. — “Hospital food” is one of those phrases that evokes an almost visceral reaction from anyone who has had the displeasure of experiencing it first-hand. Bad hospital food stories are nothing new, but in the past few years there has been a renewed call to improve the...
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Farm to Campus: UBC DIgs in

Steve Golob has been a chef at Vanier Hall at the University of British Columbia for 15 years and is passionate about local, fresh, healthy food. Vanier Hall serves over 2500 students per day, plus staff and faculty. When a student spends, on average, $5.90 for one of Steve’s meals, they’re in for a treat!...
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It Takes An Island: Growing Local in Haida Gwaii

A remote group of islands just south of the Alaskan panhandle and 100 km off the northern coast of British Columbia seems an unlikely location for Farm to Cafeteria – yet an amazing cluster of programs flourish there.  Farm to School, and Farm to Hospital programs seeded in the fall of 2010 are taking root...
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Farm to Cafeteria to Entrepreneur!

I went to the Farm to Cafeteria conference in Richmond, BC, with a kernel of an idea–a seed, really, if you can pardon the really bad pun. My idea was to launch a catering company, Piknik, with a very specific niche: providing a fun, healthy, and inclusive hot lunch day option for kids. About a...
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