

Hydroponics in the Classroom

Hydroponics systems are more popular than ever as a teaching tool in schools. With short growing seasons in many areas of Canada, hydroponics systems allow students to engage in experiential learning, year-round. In this blog post, we’ll equip you with the tools and resources you need to decide if hydroponics is right for your classroom...
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Learning from the Land – A written compilation of resources and stories

“Learning from the Land: Resources and stories from K-12 schools engaging with Indigenous plants and pedagogy”, published in November 2021 by our BC project partner Public Health Agency of BC (PHABC), is a written compilation of resources and stories highlighting programs related to Indigenous plants and pedagogy within schools located in what is colonially known...
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Edible Education: Conversation on Land-Based Learning

Farm to school, also known as local food to school, is grounded in re-learning, re-establishing and acknowledging and supporting existing place-based food systems. As F2CC works to advance food systems rooted in place, and as we work to better honour Indigenous ways of knowing and being, we are celebrating Land-Based Learning during Farm to School...
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Join our Conversation on Land-Based Learning

Mark your calendars! CoP conversation on Land-Based Learning  Tues Nov 16 at 12:30 PST / 3:30 EST / 4:30 AST Farm to school, also known as local food to school, is grounded in re-learning, re-establishing and acknowledging and supporting existing place-based food systems. As F2CC works to advance food systems rooted in place, and as...
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Food Forests — edible landscapes that do more than feed us

In celebration of this year’s Farm to School Month, which is focusing on land-based learning, we wanted to dive into the benefits of food forests, and why schools and communities across the country are putting them in place. In this CBC article, for instance, Port Elgin Regional School in Ontario highlighted how they “worked with...
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Land-based Learning Resource List

Photo credit: Government of BC and Feed BC, from Traditional foods and Indigenous recipes in B.C.’s public institutions Education about our local food system must tie back to the land and its histories and stories. Land-based learning involves learning from the land and water, and understanding and fostering our connection to them. Farm to school...
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F2S Month 2021: Celebrating Land-Based Learning

Farm to school, also known as local food to school, is grounded in re-learning, re-establishing and acknowledging and supporting existing place-based food systems. As F2CC works to advance food systems rooted in place, and as we work to better honour Indigenous ways of knowing and being, we were pleased to share that during Farm to School...
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Envisioning the many ways farm to school comes to life

We’ve just developed these 2 visuals to celebrate and amplify the many ways that farm to school takes shape in different communities, and to show how farm to school involves the whole local food system. Thank you to Carina Nilsson, Illustrator and graphic recorder, for putting our vision into graphics! Please enjoy them and share...
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A Beautiful Garden to Support Hands-on Learning and Curriculum Teaching

École Birchwood, Saint-Lazare, Québec 2020-2022 (Grant Year 2) Located in Saint-Lazare in Montérégie, this school’s initiative is based on the development of their vegetable garden. In fact, the school invested half of the Farm to School grant to buy a “Nutritower”. This tool utilizes a newer technology called hydroponics, i.e. the unique use of water...
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A Farm to School Holistic Project

Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption School, Saint-Georges-de-Windsor, Québec 2020-2022 (Grant Year 2) The Coopérative de solidarité alimentaire des Sources has been applying its healthy eating and sustainable development policy in the region’s schools for several years now. It has partnered with the Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption school, located in St-Georges-de-Windsor in the Eastern Townships, to help them implement this project. The school’s...
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For Information about your grant, email: grants@farmtocafeteriacanada.ca

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