
United States
Seed-to-plate program teaches students STEM skills, nutrition

Seed-to-Plate Program Teaches Students STEM Skills, Nutrition

How many fourth-graders know what kohlrabi is? Jared Fangman, 10, not only knows what the cabbage family member looks like, but has tried it, though he still likes tomatoes better. “You have to wash it off first and then take a bite,” he said. Fangman is one of nearly 190 students at Brookwood Elementary School...
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Making the Measure: A Toolkit for Tracking the Outcomes of Community Gardens and Urban Farms

Making the Measure: A Toolkit for Tracking the Outcomes of Community Gardens and Urban Farms

Community gardeners and urban farmers across North America are using an innovative research toolkit developed in New York City to measure and track the impacts of their work. A small group of dedicated gardeners created the toolkit in mid-2013 as part of the Five Borough Farm initiative of the Design Trust for Public Space, a...
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Five Borough Farm Data Collection Toolkit: Protocols for measuring the outcomes and impacts of community gardens and urban farms

Five Borough Farm Data Collection Toolkit

Protocols for measuring the outcomes and impacts of community gardens and urban farms This Toolkit is designed to help you measure and track the activities and outputs in your farm and garden according to five categories: Food Production Data, Environmental Data, Social Data, Health Data, and Economic Data. Each of these sections contains specific methods...
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San Diego Hospitals Working To Make Their Food Tasty

San Diego Hospitals Working To Make Their Food Tasty

Photo: Photo by Roland Lizarondo When you think of hospitals, tasty food doesn’t usually come to mind — whether it’s dining choices in the cafeteria or for patients — but hospitals throughout San Diego County are trying to change that reputation. Take San Diego’s Sharp Memorial Hospital, where chefs and cooks are working to dish out...
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Would Kids Eat More Veggies If They Had Recess Before Lunch?

Would Kids Eat More Veggies If They Had Recess Before Lunch?

Photo: Micheal Sears/MCT/Landov Schools are offering more and more healthy foods for lunch. And schools that participate in the National School Lunch program require students to choose a fruit and a vegetable side. Yet plate waste is a big problem in schools; as The Salt has reported, kids throw away anywhere from 24 to 35 percent...
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Tok embraces Farm-to-School with year-round greenhouse

Tok Embraces Farm-to-School With Year-Round Greenhouse

Photo:  Purple potatoes were picked in September. Photo courtesy Jason Fastenau. Culture is not just the shared ideas, values and customs of a group of people. Culture is cultivation, growth and improvement, and cultures are often built around food. A new greenhouse in Tok represents every meaning of culture. Gateway Greenhouse, built in 2013, is entering...
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Just a Few Quick Visits to the Garden and Kitchen May Help Kids Eat Healthier

Just a Few Quick Visits to the Garden and Kitchen May Help Kids Eat Healthier

Endless are the tricks that adults use to get kids to eat vegetables. Derek Hersch has found a winning one in his Superhero Salad, which has the power to persuade kids to eat spinach. Judging by a recent review of studies published in the Centers for Disease Controls’ Preventing Chronic Disease: Public Health Research, Practice...
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Farm to Institution New England (FINE)

Webinar: Food Service Management Company 101: A webinar for food system advocates

Farm to Institution New England (FINE) assembled a team of experienced “supply chain facilitators” in 2013 and 2014 to conduct research on FSMC operations and practices. They interviewed 35 current and former officials of FSMC and other food system leaders, and compiled regional and cross-sector information about the food purchasing policies and procedures of the...
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Schools Use Creative Approaches to Serve Local Foods (And to Get Kids to Eat Them)

Schools Use Creative Approaches to Serve Local Foods (And to Get Kids to Eat Them)

Serving locally grown food is a big trend in school cafeterias, but it can seem out-of-reach for some food-service programs, particularly those in small, rural schools. To ease the path for those schools, and to encourage innovations that others can adopt, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm to School program awards planning and implementation grants...
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There's a Hospital-Food Revolution Happening in America

There’s a Hospital Food Revolution Happening in America

Purchasing from local farms and other producers is good for the economy and good for patients. Food-service managers and chefs from seven medical facilities along the 11-mile stretch between the downtown areas of Minneapolis and St. Paul, called the Central Corridor, met recently to eat community garden carrots and local handmade tamales. They gathered, along...
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