

Municipal Food Policy Entrepreneurs Report

Over 64 municipal and regional governments across Canada are using a food systems approach to improve health, generate economic development, address environmental sustainability, and engage communities. The report released today, “Municipal food policy entrepreneurs: a preliminary analysis of how Canadian cities and regional districts are involved in food system change,” is the first scan of...
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Farm to School Gets Growing in Powell River

  Farm To School is a well-established health promotion program that has been sprouting up all over Canada for some years now. Farm to School programs aim to connect schools and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals, improving student nutrition, providing educational opportunities and supporting local small scale farmers. In the last five years, the Public Health Association of BC has...
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University of Northern British Columbia Celebrates Foods Week

A few weeks ago, students and community members joined together to battle out the title for top chef at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). Though the evening was truly competitive and intense, the event was part of a celebratory  Foods Week. UNBC’s foods week involved several ‘food’ events developed in a collaborative effort...
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Grow BC, Feed BC, Buy BC

Imagine a Ministry of Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems?, Or an agricultural land reserve that can only be used for farming? Or a provincial food procurement policy requiring hospitals to reach a target of 30% local? Or a renewal of the Buy BC program?. Yes, this is something British Columbians can expect if the BCNDP...
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Memorial University’s Bitters Pub on Canada’s Greenest Restaurants 2013

Memorial University is making great strides towards food systems sustainability. In March 2013, Campus Food Systems Project Coordinators, Caitlin Colson and Sarah Archibald had the opportunity to visit Memorial University’s St. John’s Campus and see, first hand, the local food initiatives happening on campus and in the community. We had the chance to speak with...
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New Brunswick Invests in Community Food Mentor Program – More Hands For Farm to Cafeteria!

Action on the local food front is gearing up in New Brunswick. In addition to providing funds to support a provincial coordinator for the New Brunswick Food Security Action Network, the provincial government of New Brunswick is investing more than $35,000 to support the Community Food Mentor program this year. Healthy and Inclusive Communities Minister Dorothy...
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More Fresh Local Ontario Food Coming to a Cafeteria Near You

More fresh, local Ontario food is coming to cafeterias and food-service kitchens across the province. With support from the Ontario government, through the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Greenbelt Fund is calling for new applications to the broader public sector (BPS) grant program to support increased amounts of local food served in hospitals, schools...
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Applied Student Research in Action

Applied Student Research (ASR) is emerging on campuses across North America.  At the CFSP, we’re seeing how ASR enables a campus to leverage its own academic resources to tackle the tough questions of how to improve campus food services and regional food systems. Sarah Archibald recently had the opportunity to participate in a 4th year...
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Farm to Cafeteria: BC Communities Share Paths to Success

Designed to inform and inspire, this resource provides an overview of key Farm to Cafeteria concepts and models. It illuminates innovative and successful Farm to School, Farm to Campus, and Farm to Hospital programs in 5 urban, rural, remote, and aboriginal BC communities. Download: F2C-PathsToSuccess
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McGill University wins award for feeding itself

McGill wins award for feeding itself Posted on Monday, February 25, 2013 By McGill Reporter Staff Watch McGill’s Local Food Story McGill’s decision to feed itself is bearing fruit. Over the past three years, the horticultural research station on the Macdonald campus has been transformed into a market garden, and is now supplying more than...
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